Tentang Perusahaan

P.T. Comextra Majora we are continually developing and up grading our produce and product quality performance. The main objective of this approach is directed to reinforce the whole system in such away that the desired quality level of our products, in relation to the food safety for the consumer, is sufficiently guaranteed. We have been implementing strictly guidelines on hygiene standard as well. With these circumstances in place, this improved and reinforced system should permanently have the confidence for the customer, trade chain parties and the government. We therefore ensure that "OUR QUALITY IS OUR PRIDE".

As a preventive quality assurance system, we are HACCP certified on October 26, 2005. In the mean time our cashew kernels product is Halal Certified, Kosher and Pareve certified as well.


Sebagai bagian dari Holding Company saat ini kami sedang melakukan ekspansi di daerah Bali dan berfokus pada bidang kunliner, kami membuka kesempatan berkarir bersama kami untuk menempati posisi Cooker dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab :

  • Bertugas sebagai juru masak / koki sesuai menu dan resep yang ditentukan Restoran.
  • Merawat dan memelihara inventaris dapur Restoran

Kualifikasi :

  • Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan SMA / SMK jurusan Tata Boga
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Cooker minimal 1 tahun di restoran / rumah makan
  • Jujur, disiplin dan bertanggung jawab
  • Bersedia kerja long shift
  • Berpenampilan baik dan rapi
  • Domisili : Denpasar dan sekitarnya

Lamar Sekarang

Dipublikasikan: November 03, 2022
Labels: Kokab. Denpasar, Prov. Bali
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